Children and Families

Children and Families

Background Information

TAHEA Mwanza work on children and families focused on strengthening our work in ECD by creating a community of practice on early stimulation and early learning, nutrition, child protection and economic strengthening, in nutrition the  emphasis was on the importance of the 1,000 days of life in children in addition to the knowledge and skills which were imparted on Infant and Young Children’s Feeding in the 1st phase where we trained community leaders, women, community volunteers, teachers, parents, paraprofessionals and the local government field staff on the importance of holistic approach to child development which mostly was focused on  service delivery for service providers. In phase 2 we wanted to bring care and support closer to children by improving  their care environments (families, communities and ECD centers) and responsive caregivers who are knowledgiable, with both parenting and child care practices which are sustained in the target communities i.e  workforce who are able to facilitate learning through play, who are able to give psychosocial support to children, workforce who are able to respond to the child’s needs, workforce who are linked to families and community systems.


Project Values



Lessons Learnt

Challenges/ Constraints