Health and Nutrition
We promote holistic child development in a sense that we integrate Nutrition, Health, Early Learning, Responsive care, Safety and security services together. In promoting health and nutrition services, we do the following;
01. Nutrition education and awareness focusing on Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) and Essential Nutrition Actions (ENA) targeting the first 1000 days of a child.
02. Conduct demonstrations on food preparation, preservation and storage with attention to foodstuffs for pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, young children after exclusive breastfeeding and during complementary feeding.
03. Support provision of Reproductive and Child Health services (mobile clinics) on monthly basis targeting communities far from health facilities including Islands in Ilemela Municipality.
04. Promotion of homestead food production with emphasis on home gardens for increasing production and consumption of micronutrients.
05. Training Women Nutrition Coordinators who work with women groups to provide health and nutrition education and awareness in communities. The groups are linked with microfinance program to help increase household income for supporting adequate nutrition.
06. Promote feeding program in community based ECD centres and Pre-primary schools, basically porridge from fortified/nutritious flour.
07. Identification of children with malnutrition/stunting and provide linkages and referrals to health facilities and nutrition supplement centres.
08. We are also promoting orange fleshed sweet potatoes for vitamins and food security.
TAHEA Mwanza uses Community Child Wellbeing Days which are special events for demonstration, awareness and advocacy for holistic services a child needs to grow and develop.
TAHEA Mwanza is a member of Partnership for Nutrition in Tanzania (PANITA), and we participated in the implementation of Addressing Stunting in Tanzania Early (ASTUTE) project in Kwimba district of Mwanza for two years. We are also members for Ilemela Municipal Nutrition Committee, Kwimba district Nutrition Committee and Mwanza Region Nutrition Committee.